Rev. Johnny L. Jones: Jesus Christ from A to Z
More than a half-century ago, a young country preacher from backwoods Alabama came to the big city and made his name leading one of Atlanta’s largest Baptist congregations. In a great Southern metropolis renowned for its preachers, Rev. Johnny L. Jones stood out for his unique delivery that combined solid theological grounding and moody, explosive flights into a high-turbulence zone between song and speech, earning him a reputation as the Fireball Preacher and more famously, The Hurricane. Jesus Christ from A to Z(PT-4001) was compiled from more than 50 years of reel-to-reel tapes of live church recordings.
The Methodist theologian John Wesley once asked, "Why should the devil have all the good music?" Today, the Rev. Johnny L. Jones is proof that he doesn't.
-- Wyatt Williams, December 15, 2009
Catalog Number PT-4001
Release Date
Artist(s) Performed by Rev. Johnny L. Jones & Congregation
Recording Era(s)
Number of Tracks 11
Page Count
Label(s) / Partner(s) Dust-to-Digital
Producer(s) Rev. J.L. Jones, April Ledbetter, Steven Lance Ledbetter
Audio Engineer(s) Michael Graves